英語グレイゴBLOG (NHKラジオ講座ディクテ)


カテゴリ: ラジオ英会話

O: ダイアログにはlook, seeが出てきましたが、どちらも「見る」と訳される単語ですが、意味は全く違いますよね。Chris, I think look and see have totally different meanings, right?

C: Yes, I agree. Let me give you an example of what happened to me in Australia. A friend took me to a forest because I hadn’t seen a koala before. So we were walking along. Suddenly he said “Look, look, up in the trees! There are two koalas!” So I look, and nothing. He said “No! Up on the top branch!” So I’m looking, I’m looking, and then suddenly “Ah! Now I can see them.” So look is just turning my head in that direction, whereas see is when I become aware of the presence of the koalas, and yes, now they’re in my head. I can see them. 

O: さあ、面白い話が出てきましたね。クリスさんのオーストラリアでの出来事。森にコアラを見に行ってLookと言われたということですね。それは「あっちの方を見ろ」と実際にそちらの方に視線を投げる、視線を向けるという動作なんだということですね。そしてコアラが目に入ってきて見える。その状態になった時にseeが使われているということです。How about you, Roza?

R: Yeah, I think that’s a really good example of look and see and the difference between the two. Like you said look is just a very short moment in time. It’s the glancing, moving of your head to look at something, whereas seeing something is the process of understanding what you are looking at. 

O: クリスさんもローザさんも仰っていたとおりlookというのは「動いてそちらに目をやる」「目線を向ける」という意味なんですね。そしてseeというのは何を示しているかというと、その対象物に目をやって頭の中に入ってくる「コアラが見えるよ」それがseeの意味合いだということですね。


They're natto aficionados.

We need to save more money.
We could prep our lunches for the whole week, that is if you don't mind eating natto for lunch every day.
I'm easy.
Great! We can make natto salad for example, then we can change the menu. Natto rolls one day, natto pasta the next.
Let's take the easy way out.
What's that?
Just make a quick natto sandwich every morning.
Yes, dear.
I'm natto sure about the natto sandwich.
Now that you mentioned it I'm natto either.

K: Well the signing out is going to take a little time.
KA&J: Let's take the easy way out.
K: Okay so until next time
J: Keep listening
KA: Keep practicing
K: And keep on smiling
All: Bye!


They sing their lines to the tune of "Happy Birthday to You."

Let's take five, Bell.
Oh I wish I could. I got tons of email messages to answer.
You do?
Yes. Every time I answer an email, they shoot back another question. It's a losing battle.
I call my clients and answer all of their questions on the phone all the time. It's a real time saver.
Gee, I'd never thought of that. That's brilliant, Andy.
Are you ready for a break?
You bet I am.

J: Wow. It was actually easier than I thought.
K: What a great rendition of the old song. Well, I like the singing idea. It's a real time saver. I don't have to write a lot. Well, let's take five.
KA: Okay.
J: All right.
K: But before we do.
J: Uh huh.
K: Until next time.
J: Ah, keep listening.
KA: Keep practicing.
K: And keep on smiling.
All: Bye!

Mr. Pain has tennis elbow.

How are you doing, Mr. Pain?
Not good. I have tennis elbow from playing it so much.
There's a way around that.
Oh no. I just deleted my whole document.
Press control z to get it back.
It's back! Now I need to copy this part and paste it here.
Press control c and then hit control v.
Emma, you just made my life easier.
Glad to be of help.
Did I hear you say there's a way around it?
Yes, Mr. Pain.
What is it?
Take a break from playing tennis.
Oh. What would you recommend I do instead?
Enjoy listening to Rajiei!
Oh. I'll certainly do that.

K: All right. Well, signing out message seems pretty lengthy.
J: There's a way around that.
K: Oh I know. So until next time
J: Keep listening
KA: Keep practicing
K: And keep on smiling
All: Bye!
K: Well done.

They're in a jungle.

Don, I'm no good at this sort of photography.
That's not true, Linda.
There's not an animal in sight.
Let me help you out.
Hi, guys. I'm Rilla.
Rilla, could you run up that tree for me?
Sure, like this?
Go, Rilla, go!
I got some good shots! This is easier than I thought. Rilla, can you call for a lion for me?
Sorry. They're all tied up. Lions and tigers and bears and all. They're listening to ラジオ英会話.
Oh, my. It's a wrap, Don.
Here's the radio, Linda.
May I join you two?
Be our guest!
Thank you.

J: Not a very scary jungle.
K: Another shameless promotion of ラジオ英会話.
KA: Yes.
K: Well, that's about it for today, so until next time
J: Keep listening
KA: Keep practicing
K: And keep on smiling
All: Bye!
