I started out as a treasure hunter.
K: 経歴を語る表現です。このstart out、出発するという意味なんですけれどもね、ここでは世の中に出る、旅立つ、という意味です。そしてasの後に職業を加えます。

U R the ☆!
All: Well done!

All: That’s a feather in your cap!


I started out as a treasure hunter.
Interesting. How did that go?
Not well. I couldn’t make ends meet.

K: チェックポイントが3つあります。「彼の初めての仕事はトレジャーハンターでしたが」この「が」なんですが、これはandでしょうか、butでしょうかね、Carolynさん。
C: Well, in this case, because the two ideas are different from each other, we have to use but.
K: これは前半と後半、お互いに相反するものですから、butですね。「うまく行きませんでした」とはどうでしょうね。Not wellというのがダイアログにありますけれども、Jeffさん。
J: Right. Not well. This means it didn’t go well. You can say it that way, too.
K: 「生計を立てることができなかったのです」という最後の文ですけども、これはbecauseをつけて前の文と合体させることがよいでしょうか、それとも独立した文にしたほうがよいでしょうか、Carolynさん。
C: Well, actually, yeah, Ken. They’re both OK. We can make one sentence and put the word because between the two sentences. Or we can keep it as one sentence and not use the word because.


C: He started out as a treasure hunter but it didn’t go well. He couldn’t make ends meet.

J: He started out as a treasure hunter but it didn’t go well because he couldn’t make ends meet.



The man is now a trophy maker.

How did you end up working as a trophy maker?
Well, I started out as a treasure hunter. Then I worked for Hat Feathers Inc.
Interesting. How did that go?
Not well. I couldn’t make ends meet. So I decided to turn over a new leaf.
I see.
Now I’m making trophies for schools and companies. My kid says he wants to learn the trade.
That’s your trophy child.

J: By the way, Ken, have you always been in this business, the radio business?
K: No. I started out as a dish washer.
J: So, how did that go?
K: Not well. I got detergent all over me.
C: That’s not a feather in your cap.
K: Not really. Well, that’s about it for today, so until next time.
J: Keep listening.
C: Keep practicing.
K: And keep on smiling.
All: Bye!