Pearson relates the specific responsibilities that Nissen's new job will involve, such as creating advertising and public relations campaigns.
Ueda asks about Nissen's replacement at A&A. And Pearson says Grace has already lined up candidates for the job. Ueda also asks how long it takes for a first impression to form, and says he's read that it only takes three seconds for an experienced recruiter.
new store opening
H: This is exactly what it sounds like. The opening of a new store. You'll also see signs saying "Opening sale. All items 20 percent off." Or "The president cut the ribbon at the opening last week."
H: In this case assume means suppose or take for granted. "I assume John will be at Tuesday's meeting. He's working that day."
Or "I assume coffee will be served at the meeting."
line up
H: She has arranged a number of candidates to be interviewed for the job. It's not literally putting people in a line but that image you know getting the needed things ready. Other examples could be "We've lined up several speakers for the sales conference." Or "We've lined up a buyer for our American subsidiary."
H: Pearson is referring to people who are being considered for an opening, who may get the job. And you can also use this about things. "We have several candidates for our new supplier." Or "I've chosen three candidates for the hotel for our company party. What do you think?"
S: そうですね。人だけでなく物についても使いますね。We have two candidates for 何々。「2つの候補地がある」といったような場合にも使います。
H: Here again is something that can be used about things and people. "We have several new additions to our product lineup this year." Or "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. We have several new additions to our menu tonight."
S: それから、We have another addition to the family. と言えば、「もう1人家族が増えました」「子供が生まれました」ということですね。
H: To realize or perceive something and like we're writing it down in a book or a register, there's a nuance of staying in the mind, make a lasting impression. "I haven't really registered that Jerry's leaving." It doesn't feel real yet. The person hasn't fully acknowledged that Jerry is leaving.
H: One thousand of a second. There's also milliliter, milligram, and millipede, which obviously doesn't have a thousand legs but looks like it does.
S: いまヘザーさん、millipedeと言っていましたね。milliは「千」pedeは「足」ですね。millipedeは「ヤスデ」という節足動物のことですね。千程ではないけれど、百の足を持った動物というのは、centipedeですね。「ムカデ」を英語では、centipedeというふうに言います。
in someone's case
H: This is what's going on with this person. This is their specific situation. "In the case of new parents, we allow employees to leave one hour early." Or "In Jane's case her contract is renewed on March 1."
S: 「誰々の場合」ということ。
selection process
H: The different steps, procedures involved in choosing someone. We also say the manufacturing process, the application process. "The application process for US universities usually involves writing essays."
S: 選考の過程。
come out
H: When it was released, when it became public. We use this about movies all the time. "That movie came out in 1987." Or "When is that movie coming out in Japan?"
S: 発表される。become public、be releasedということですね。 スポンサーリンク