Ueda asks if American parents tell their children how much money they make, and Lyons says most are probably uncomfortable with the subject. Lyons attributes this partly to parents not wanting their children to judge others by their job and income.
Ueda cites a columnist who recommends teaching children about money from around the age of 5 or 6, but Collins wonders if that would be too much for kids to deal with.

advice column
S: 必ずしも人生全般とは限らず、金融関係とか、IT関係とか、分かれたコラムもありますね。一般的には「人生相談欄」のこと。

H: The social unit of people who live together in one dwelling. And there are many different types of households. Single-person households, elderly households, single-parent households. And often the person designated on tax forms and other documents as the leader of the family is called the head of the household.
S: the head of the householdというのは「世帯主」のことですね。

family finances
H: How much income a family has and how much debt, what they have to spend money on. "His finances are a mess. Lots of credit card debt, no savings plan."

get into the habit of
H: Make something a habit, make ourselves do something regularly, or it becomes a habit, something we do regularly. "She's gotten into the habit of doing yoga every morning." Or "He's gotten into the habit of skipping breakfast."
S: get into 、「習慣を身につける」ということで、「習慣をやめる」というのは、get out of the habit。あるいは、kick the habitなどとも言いますね。

deserve to know
H: Have a right to know or be worthy of knowing. "Consumers deserve to know where their food was grown or processed." Or "Employees deserve to know if a merger is being considered."
S: よくthe public's right to knowという表現も目にしますね。the right to know 、the right to free access to informationということですね。それから例えば工場などで、どのような薬品を扱っているのかを近隣の住民は知る権利がある。そのための法制化のことを、right-to-know legislatureなどとも言いますね。

I'm not so sure.
H: I'm not confident that's right. I'm not sure I agree. You can also say I'm not sure about that or I'm not sure I agree. "He thinks consumption will go up this year but other experts aren't so sure." Or "I'm not so sure about this marketing plan."

household chores
H: The tasks we perform regularly around the house; washing dishes, vacuuming, doing the laundry.
The singular noun chore often means difficult or unpleasant tasks. "Doing our taxes is a real chore, isn't it?" Or "I have to clean the house next week. What a chore."
S: いまヘザーさん、このchoreという単語、単数と複数で使い分けるというふうに言っていましたね。household chores、この場合には通常複数形を使います。do choresなどとも言いますね。通常は掃除洗濯、アイロンがけ。こういった家庭の日常の仕事のことを指します。それから、chore、単数で使う場合には、しなければならない退屈な仕事、嫌な仕事、という意味です。

H: Present in a person since birth, or an essential part of something. "He's innately shy." Or "The restaurant business is innately risky."


H: Without hiding anything, without concealment. "She openly admitted she was looking for a new job." Or "He openly expressed his doubts about the product."
S: openly、「隠すことなく」。いまヘザーさんは、without hiding anything, without concealmentというふうに言っていましたね。concealment「隠すこと」「隠蔽」。動詞はconcealということですね。

be too much for
H: It could overwhelm them, be too much for them to handle or process. "Leading that project was too much for Jeremy. He doesn't have enough experience." Or "That movie is too much for small children. It's very scary."
S: be too much for 誰々「誰々に対しては負担が大き過ぎる」ということ。
