K: 皆さんお元気ですか?遠山も元気になりました。お待たせしました。
KA: Oh Ken.
K: Yes.
KA: Wow.
J: Welcome back.
K: Thank you.
KA: We hear you were in the hospital.
K: Yes, I was. I learned a few things there, yes.
J: Like what?
K: Well, when you are in the hospital, you have to be patient. I think I'm back.
KA: I think you're back.
J: I think so too.
K: Okay.
KA: Welcome back.
K: Thank you.

They switch roles.

It's starting to snow again.
It's never ending. I'm sick and tired of shoveling snow.
You've got cabin fever.
That's putting it lightly. In fact I've been looking into popular snowbird destinations.
You have?
Uh huh. How about living a warmer climate during the winter?
We'd never be able to afford that kind of lifestyle.
Never say never.
You sound like a British secret agent.
Call me Shirly Bond.

KA: Well, Ken. It's great to have you back again.
K: Thank you, Katie.
J: I bet you were sick and tired of being in the hospital.
K: Well, it was not that bad. I'll answer that question tomorrow with a little bit of humor.
J: Oh okay.
K: So you can look forward to it.
KA: I can't wait.
K: Yeah.
J: But it wasn't the same without you.
KA: Yeah.
K: Oh thank you. Well, that's about it for today. So until next time
J: Keep listening
KA: Keep practicing
K: And keep on smiling.
All: Bye.
