H: Pearson lists some things that people bought in large quantities before the Great Recession. And Grace says the retail stores will not disappear entirely. Nissen describes the store of the future as incorporating facial recognition, robots that get purchased items from a warehouse, and deliveries to customers’ homes by driverless car or drone.
dine out
H: Or eat out. That would work, too. They both mean eating outside the home. The opposite expressions are dine in or eat in, which mean eat at home. Things like “We always eat in on Sundays so we can get to bed early.” Or “They dined in on Valentine’s Day. Just a romantic dinner at home for two.”
S: dine out、eat out、同じような意味で使いますね。外食する。その反対はdine in、eat inですけれど、eat in、最近は日本語としても使われますね。コンビニの一角などにイートインスペースなどと書いたところがあります。
Things have changed.
H: The situation has changed. Times have changed. “Working here used to be very stressful but things have changed. The bosses are more supportive now.” Or divorce used to be very embarrassing, you know, a social disgrace. But things have changed.
in particular
S: particularlyという副詞を使うこともできますね。
As we know it
H: Something in the form that we’re used to. In the way we’re accustomed to it existing. Smartphones, for example, changed communications as we knew it. Or driving as we know it today, you know, driving by ourselves or our own vehicles, someday that may completely disappear.
greet by name
H: Nissen says you’ll walk into a store in the future and be greeted by name. Someone will use your personal name when they say hello. The point here is that they recognize you. They know your name. “Our president knows all the staff, all 100 people, and greets them by name.”
facial recognition
H: Technology that recognizes a person’s face and then gives them access to something. Likewise, there’s voice recognition technology. Maybe someday we’ll open our front doors with facial recognition technology or start our driverless cars that way.
S: 他にもrecognitionを使ったものいくつかありますね。voice recognitionと言えば音声認識、それからfingerprint recognition、指紋認証、指紋認識。日本語でもOCRとして使うのはoptical character recognition、光学文字認識です。
via driverless car or drone
H: Here drone refers to those little flying copter things, which personally I’m just dying to get one one day. It looks like fun. But it can also refer to someone who does tedious or menial work, a drudge. “She quit her job because she felt like a corporate drone. Instead she opened her own consulting firm.”
S: drone、日本語でいうドローンのことも指しますね。その他にも怠け者といったような意味があります。また、動詞としては、He droned on and on.(彼はつまらないことを長々とクドクドと喋った)という意味で使います。