H: McMillan asks about recent trends in the workplace and Grace cites an employee benefit that has become particularly important for A&A staff.
Salmans says the traditional performance reviews once conducted annually are now considered obsolete.
Pearson adds that the atmosphere and clothing at workplaces have become more casual.
be all the rage
H: Be the latest popular trend, be very popular lately. Yogurt is all the rage these days. Or voluntourism is all the rage now. You can also say the thing or the latest thing. Like, wide neckties are the thing these days.
S:いまヘザーさんの言っていたのは、all the rageに代わるフレーズとして、the thingあるいはthe latestということですね。the latest thing in computersと言えば最新のコンピューターということですね。
in line with
H: Or in keeping with. Matching those trends, adjusting to those trends. We’re lowering our prices in line with market trends. Or we’re changing our design in line with consumer feedback.
employee benefit
H: Lydia Grace says “Well, maternity leave has become an important employee benefit.” A perk provided to employees. We also say benefits to refer to money that’s paid to people who need financial help. Unemployment benefits are paid to people who are out of a job. Disability benefits to people who have suffered a disability and can’t work.
compete for
H: Grace could also say vie for top talent. V-i-e. Try to be better than other companies so that talented people, top talent, will work for you instead of the other companies. Students compete for scholarships. Employees vie for promotions.
S: vie for top talent、vie、いまヘザーさんがv-i-eというふうにスペルアウトしてくれました。発音は ですね
H: Keep, in other words. The team decided to retain their head coach for another year. And we also have the word retainer, which can mean a fee paid to retain to have on call the services of a professional adviser, like a lawyer or a consultant. We have several tax attorneys on retainer.
S: retainerというのは弁護士とかコンサルタントに支払う依頼料のことですね。だいたい毎月同じ額を請求する、活動の多少に関わらず一定額を顧問料として支払うもの、それがretainerですね。
become outdated
H: Become out of date, outmoded, no longer appropriate for technology or ways of thinking. He has very outdated ideas about women in the workplace.
H: In this case, clumsy means awkward, inefficient. A clumsy presentation might include confusing charts, for example. Or the speaker might talk too much about irrelevant things. And people who are physically awkward are also called clumsy. If we trip a lot, drop things, bump into things. I’m very clumsy. Once I tripped and fell down some stairs.
S:いまヘザーさんはphysically clumsyと言って例文を紹介してくれましたね。この場合のclumsyというのは、すぐ物を壊してしまうほど動きがぎこちない、といったような意味ですね。
H: Not accurate, not correct. The company released inaccurate sales data. Or to use the noun, his bio had a few inaccuracies. He was born in 1965, not 1967.