英語グレイゴBLOG (NHKラジオ講座ディクテ)



I started out as a treasure hunter.
K: 経歴を語る表現です。このstart out、出発するという意味なんですけれどもね、ここでは世の中に出る、旅立つ、という意味です。そしてasの後に職業を加えます。

U R the ☆!
All: Well done!

All: That’s a feather in your cap!


I started out as a treasure hunter.
Interesting. How did that go?
Not well. I couldn’t make ends meet.

K: チェックポイントが3つあります。「彼の初めての仕事はトレジャーハンターでしたが」この「が」なんですが、これはandでしょうか、butでしょうかね、Carolynさん。
C: Well, in this case, because the two ideas are different from each other, we have to use but.
K: これは前半と後半、お互いに相反するものですから、butですね。「うまく行きませんでした」とはどうでしょうね。Not wellというのがダイアログにありますけれども、Jeffさん。
J: Right. Not well. This means it didn’t go well. You can say it that way, too.
K: 「生計を立てることができなかったのです」という最後の文ですけども、これはbecauseをつけて前の文と合体させることがよいでしょうか、それとも独立した文にしたほうがよいでしょうか、Carolynさん。
C: Well, actually, yeah, Ken. They’re both OK. We can make one sentence and put the word because between the two sentences. Or we can keep it as one sentence and not use the word because.


C: He started out as a treasure hunter but it didn’t go well. He couldn’t make ends meet.

J: He started out as a treasure hunter but it didn’t go well because he couldn’t make ends meet.




I don’t know where to start.

K: 感情を伝える表現。肯定と否定の二通りのニュアンスがあります。興奮してエクサイトして言う場合もあります。ここでは嫌なことが色々あったことを示唆しています。別の言い方でI don’t know where to begin. 

U R the ☆
All: That was lovely!

All: You’re right on!


To begin with, I was late for work because of a train delay.
And when I went back to work, my computer crashed.

K: まず「今日は彼女にとってよくない日」なんですけれどもね、これはToday was a bad day,とかですね、彼女にとってですからfor herとこう持ってきてよろしいですかね。
J: Yes, you can say it that way. And you can also say “It was a bad day for her today.” And today can move in the front like you said, it can move to the beginning. “Today was a bad day for her.” And there’s one more way of saying it. “She had a bad day today.”
K: もう一つ、Carolynさん。「それから」 ということなんですけどね、これはthenがいいですかね、and thenというのもありますけど。
C: Yeah, they’re both fine. I feel like saying “and then” builds the drama a little bit in the sentence.
K: なるほど。and thenと言うともう少し劇的な感じがあるということで。パソコンはどうでしたっけ、Jeffさん。
J: We usually use computer.
K: OK.
J: It’s simple. We don’t usually use personal computer.


It was a bad day for her today./Today was a bad day for her.
To begin with, she was late for work because of a train delay.
Then her computer crashed.
She had a bad day today. 
To begin with, she was late for work because of a train delay.
And then her computer crashed.



H: Pearson cites statistics about the number of freelancers expected in coming years. And McMillans says he’s heard they have high job satisfaction. Pearson says Millennials are passionate about flexibility and work-life balance. And he and Grace talk about changes in where people physically do their work.

in the not too distant future
H: At a future time that is not far off, that is not very long from now. We also say the not too distant past. Things like “In the not too distant past, no one had cellphones.” Or “In the not too distant past, we didn’t have antibiotics.” 

healthcare coverage
H: In this case, coverage refers to the amount and type of protection that an insurance agreement gives you. If you ask someone “How’s your coverage?” or “What’s your coverage?” You’re asking them what their policy pays for and what percentage. We also use the word cover this way. “This insurance policy covers fire and earthquake damage.” Or “I’m covered for fire and earthquake damage.”
S: coverageには保険の保障範囲という意味以外に、報道機関による報道といった意味もありますね。その場合にはmedia coverageとかpress coverageというふうに使います。

on demand
H: McMillan up at the top says “I’ve seen surveys that show on-demand freelance workers have high levels of job satisfaction.” On demand means you can get something whenever you need it or ask for it. McMillan is talking about freelancers who work when a company requests their services. Likewise we can watch movies on demand now. We can just go to our computers, click on the movie we want and it starts streaming.

here to stay
H: Not going to change or leave. Firmly established. Things like “Is virtual currency here to stay or is it just a fad?” or  “The cold weather is here to stay for a while. Temperatures will be low through the week.”

be passionate about
H: Care about something a lot. Be devoted to it. You may not have noticed but I’m really passionate about movies. I love watching them, critiquing them. Or you could say “He’s really passionate about animal rights. He works hard to protect animals and to spread awareness of the issue.”

lock oneself into
H: Commit to something, fix yourself in a position. “He’s locked himself into working at this company for five years.” Or you could reverse it and say “This contract locks him into working here for five years.”

H: Down at the bottom, Pearson says “The workforce of the future will be mobile, flexible, and autonomous.”

be evaluated according to results
H: Be assessed, be judged according to the results we produce. You could say “Job applicants are evaluated by their résumé, interviews, and a writing test.” Or “We need to reevaluate our market strategy.”

H: Mainstream refers to what most people do, what’s considered standard in some situation. We also say go mainstream or become mainstream. Become common practice, become ordinary. Acupuncture has gone mainstream in the United States. Not considered exotic anymore.
H: mainstream mediaと言えば従来からある新聞、雑誌、テレビなどの既存の主流媒体のことです。ニューメディア、例えばインターネットや携帯電話などを利用した新しいメディア、online media、wireless media、などに対してmainstream mediaというふうに使います。


H: Grace describes a poll she took of A&A managers, many of whom said people were dressing more casually than before. Ueda mentions the Cool Biz campaign in Japan, but says Japan’s offices are a long way from going casual. Grace talks about the kinds of equipment that are now standard in American offices as well as the so-called gig economy.

business casual dress code
H: Relatively casual clothes that are still appropriate for the workplace. Maybe requiring men to wear a dress shirt, but no jacket or tie. Likewise women could wear a nice sweater with a shirt or slacks instead of a more formal women’s suit. I’ve also seen things like dressy casual on a party invitation. That’s a similar idea, so things like maybe a nice but not too formal dress.
S: いまヘザーさんはdressy casualと言っていましたね。他にも例えばsmart casualとかいくつかの表現方法があるんですけれど、何がbusiness casualで何がsmart casualで何がdressy casualなのかという定義はあまりはっきりしていないんですね。一般的に言えばテニスシューズやTシャツなどはこういった範疇に入らないとされていますがオフィスウェアがカジュアル化しているので、そういったものもbusiness casual、ビジネスの場における比較的カジュアルな服装の範疇に入ってくるようになるかもしれませんね。

S:Ueda Shotaが中ほどで言っていました。hot and humid summer months、高温多湿の夏の時期ということですね。
H: Another way to say this less formally is muggy. There’s also sultry weather and that means humid and hot.
S: muggy、蒸し暑い。日本の夏についてよく使われる形容詞です。humidからhumidifierといえば加湿器のことですね。

be a long way from
H: Something will not happen for a long while. It won’t be achieved for a long while. Such as “We’re a long way from curing cancer.” Or “He’s still a long way from opening his own business.”
S: 何々どころではない、何々とは決して言えないといったようなニュアンスですね。

go the casual route
H: Or go the casual . That’s fine, too. Go the something route means take a certain approach. For example, many people are not buying expensive items these days. They’re renting them. So a lot of people are going the rental route. Or he’s decided to go the freelance route instead of working for a company full-time. 

H: In this case concern means be related to, involves. Such as “This study concerns the obesity problem in the United States.” Or “Gender equality is an issue that concerns all of us.”

the rule rather than the exception
H: The way things usually happen, rather than the unusual event, the normal event, no the deviation from the norm. Nowadays having a cellphone is the rule rather than the exception. 

gig economy 
H: A gig is a job or a task that’s usually for a limited time or one project. Musicians especially have gigs. “The band has a gig next week at the club.” Or “She has a speaking gig at the university this year.” And the gig economy is the world of jobs assigned on a one by one basis. Gig economy workers include freelance translators, drivers who work for ride-sharing services, that sort of thing.

work side by side with
H: Work alongside would be OK here, too. Work next to, in other words. Work closely with. “He parked alongside the building.” Or “We worked side by side on the project for two months.”

