Collins says a growing number of people are going back to their former companies for more money and a higher position. Grace adds that more employers are willing to rehire people who left in a friendly way. Collins says millenials see the world and themselves differently than previous generations. And McMillan recommends that companies see the relationship with a worker as something ongoing. Both sides should develop a goodwill, he says.

get ichy feet
H: Feel like you want to leave. This can refer to traveling or moving as well as leaving a job. "He's never lived in the same country for more than five years. He always gets itchy feet."

Things don't work out well.
H: Not have the desired outcome, not develop as you want. We also say not work out, don't work out. "She tried to start her own business but it didn't work out." Or "We discussed a business tie-up but things didn't work out."

give someone a second chance
H: Give someone a second opportunity to do something well, to do it better. We also say give someone another chance. That might be a third chance or a forth chance. Who knows. "Let's give Tim another chance to do the sales report. I'm sure he'll improve with experience."
S: もう一つよく使われるのが、"You'll never get a second chance to make a first impression." 「第一印象を与える機会は二度と来ない」いかに第一印象が大切かということですね。

welcome someone back to the fold
H: Welcome someone back to a particular group; a company, a school, whatever. "We welcomed Jane back to the fold after maternity leave." Or "Welcome back to the fold, Jerry. We hope you enjoyed your study abroad program."
S: このfoldというのは会社のことですね。共通の目的とか信念をもつ集団・組織を意味します。

H: If we have humility, we're humble, we're modest, we don't act arrogant or prideful. "He's very humble. He never brags about his achievements." I also heard a good joke once. A TV character was praised for her humility. And she replied "Thank you. I'm very proud of my humility." Wait, what?

nurture a goodwill
H: Build warm feelings of approval and support. "The company's profit sharing program has created a lot of goodwill among the employees."


place of employment
H: You'll often see this on paperwork, documents. They'll ask for your place of birth, place of residence, place of last employment. That sort of thing. It's just a formal way to say where were you born, where do you live, etc.
S: place of employment、職場、workplaceのことですね。

H: If we're sensitive, we're easily affected by something. Easily angered or easily upset, for example. "He's sensitive about his weight." Or "She's sensitive about her lack of money."
S: sensitive、日本語でもセンシティブというふうに言いますね。微妙な、重要な、ということで、sensitive documentと言えば、極秘書類、極秘資料のことですね。
