J: Hi! How are you doing? I’m Jeff Manning.
KA: And hello there! I’m Katie Adler.
J: Unfortunately Ken can’t be with us today.
KA: That’s right. He’s taking a break from the program for a while.
J: So the two of us will be filling in for him until he comes back! Are you ready, Katie?
KA: I’m ready when you are!
J: Okie dokie. Let’s get the ball rolling!
KA&J: Here we go!

J: So this month, we’ll bring you our programs which were aired in December 2009.

They are tipsy from eggnog.

I wasn’t expecting the red carpet treatment, Mr. Jingle.
We wanted to give you a warm welcome, Ms. Kelly. More eggnog?
Oh, thanks. Is it always this dark at the North Pole?
No. We have sunlight from March to September.
Doesn’t that affect your sleep schedule?
I never sleep.
Never ever?
No. I’m up to my ears in work.
More eggnog please.
Thank you.


J: Well, it’s time to say goodbye.
KA: Oh. See you next time.
J&KA: Bye.