H: Ueda says he sometimes expends his energy on minor tasks and leaves important things until later when he doesn’t have sufficient energy to do them well. Lyons adds that stress over finishing work early is just as bad as stress from worries about being late. Ueda says that pre-crastinators feel self-satisfied, which can get them into trouble. And Collins says that procrastination is bad for productivity.

I know what you mean.
H: I understand what you’re saying and I feel the same way. If a new mother told me “I’m really nervous,” I’d say “I know exactly what you mean.” When I took my daughter home from the hospital, I was really scared.

H: And, in addition. “This hotel is very affordable, plus it’s in a great location.” “Yoga is good for relaxation, plus it burns calories.”

stress out
H: To feel a lot of stress, pressure or strain. “He’s stressing out about his speech. It’s making him very nervous.” And we also say stress someone out. Cause someone stress. “This project is stressing everyone out. The deadline is really tight.”
S: The deadline is really tight. 締切がきつい、ということですね。

meet a deadline
H: Finish some task by the deadline, by the time or the date it needs to be done. For the opposite meaning, you can say miss a deadline. “We did our best, but ultimately we missed the deadline by a couple of days.”

show up for a meeting
H: Appear for a meeting, arrive for a meeting. You can also say for example “I waited for 20 minutes, but she didn’t show up.” She didn’t appear, she didn’t arrive.
S: She didn’t appear. と言ったとき、待ちぼうけをくわされたわけですね。英語では、I was stood up. というふうに言いますね。レストランで予約を入れたけれど、現れないお客のことを、no-showというふうに言いますね。航空機の予約を入れて、現れないお客のことも、no-showですね。
H: You could be told at the airport “We can get you on the plane. We’ve had a couple of no-shows.”

be in a hurry to
S: マクミランが真ん中へんで言っています。”Are you in a hurry to tell me?” これは冗談で言っているわけですね。上田がpre-crastinatorであるので、あなたは急いではやく私に言いたんですか、という冗談です。
H: You want to do something quickly. We also say be in no hurry to, meaning someone doesn’t intend to do something right away. They don’t see the need to do it right away. Imagine you’re having coffee with a friend and they say “Shall we have another cup?” You could answer “Sure. I’m in no hurry to leave.”

feel guilty 
H: Down towards the bottom, Ueda says “Unlike procrastinators, pre-crastinators don’t feel guilty.” They don’t feel that they’re doing something bad. They don’t feel regret that doing something bad.

feel self-satisfied and virtuous
S: 自己満足して正しいことをしているというふうに思うという意味ですね。
H: Self-satisfied, pleased with oneself. Virtuous, oh I’m behaving so well. I’m doing such good things.

S: downsideの反対ですね。



H: Definitely, surely. It can also mean no problem. Like if someone asked me to check a translation, I could reply “Sure. When do you need it by?”
S: Sure. 確かに、その通り、という意味なんですけれど、今ヘザーさんは、surely、definitelyとも同じ意味というふうに言っていましたね。かつて、スタジオでビニェットを録音しているとき、あるネイティブスピーカーのアメリカ人が、「Surelyというのは聞いたことがない。Sureが正しい」というふうに主張しました。で、一緒にいた声優さんたちに、”You don’t say surely, do you?” と尋ねたんですが、周りから、”Surely!” と大合唱を受けて、苦笑していました。人によってはSureを使うけれどSurelyは使わない、またはその反対、というのもあるかもしれませんね。
H: There’s an old groaner of a joke. Someone will ask, for example, “Surely you’re joking,” and a man will reply “Of course I’m serious. And don’t call me Shirley.”
S: そうですね、発音がSurelyが女性の名前のShirleyに似ているので、Don’t call me Shirley. というふうに言う。これは昔からある冗談ですね。

way before someone has to
H: A long time before he’s required to do something. You could also say “He turned in his taxes way before he had to.”
S: 誰かがするずっと前に、という意味ですね。

all sorts of
H: Down at the bottom, Ueda says “That can get you into all sorts of trouble.” A wide variety of trouble. For example, “This store has all sorts of interesting souvenirs.” “You can meet all sorts of people in this neighborhood.”
S: 様々な、色々な、ということ。