Ninja / Seth W.

Accent Reduction Training (4) 

Collins believes it's kinder to correct a person's mistakes than to let them continue to speak incorrectly.
Lyons says many foreign business people in the U.S. find accent reduction training to be extremely valuable.
And Collins mentiones a Russian friend who had a strong accent when she first came to the States.
Umemura describes how the preservation of regional accents was encouraged in Japan's Tokugawa period.

  NHK CD ラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2013年4月号     


■□■□ Words and Phrases ■□■□

  • do someone a disservice (人)に迷惑をかける、(人)に害を及ぼす
This is to cause someone harm or do something unfair to them, do them an ill turn. 

A newspaper article that only reports one side of an issue does its readers a disservice.

It gives them a biased view of that issue. It doesn't give them all the information they need to judge fairly.

  • expat business people 外国人のビジネスピープル(expatはexpatriateの短縮形)
Here expat is short for expatriate. Here it's an adjective. A foreign businessman living in Japan is an expatriate businessman or an expat businessman. 
Expat can also be a noun and stand on its own, meaning a person living in a nation that is not their native country. I'm an expat, for example.

  • find
In this case find means have a certain opinion of something based on experience. Let's say you take a client to a new restaurant. Afterwards a colleague might ask you,

"How did you find the restaurant? Was the food good?"

見つけるという意味もあるが、この文脈では気づくといった意味。How did you find the restaurant?(どうやってそのレストランを見つけましたか?)という意味にも理解することはできる。「インターネットで見つけました」とか「人に聞きました」といった答えが返ってくるかもしれない。

  • not to mention ・・・は言うまでもなく、・・・はもちろん
This means in addition to what's already been said, besides what's already been said. As in:
I've got three reports to write this week. Not to mention the presentation I've got to put together.
  • day-to-day interaction 日常のやり取り
Daily interaction, in other words. Day-to-day can also mean operating one day at a time with no concern or knowledge of the future. Employees in a company that's on the blink of collapse would be working day-to-day, for example, not knowing if they have a job tomorrow.  
  • thick [形] (なまりが)強い
In this case thick means strong, a strong accent. 
We also say that a place or a situation is thick with something, meaning it abounds in that thing. It has a large number of it. 
The room was thick with tension. 
The market is thick with competitors. 


The expression "through thick and thin" means through good times and bad times. 
The company has maintained its excellent customer service through thick and thin.


  • footnote [名] 脚注、補足説明、余談
In this case footnote means a relatively minor part of some event or work. It uses the image of those references or comments, often attached to the bottom of text.
He was very famous in his day but not he's just a footnote in world history.


  • A little accent can sometimes go a long way. 
We often use this "a little something goes a long way" to mean just a small amount of something is very effective, very helpful.
A little courtesy goes a long way. Makes other people feel appreciated, smoothes our interactions. 

A little planning goes a long way. Helps us save time and avoid mistakes.

■□■□ Daily Exercise □■□■□

Sonia had a ___ Russian accent when she first came to the U.S.


Alyce Collinsはビニェットの中でSonia's accent was quite thick when she first arrived in the States.と言っている。

Why did the Tokugawa shogunate favor regional speech variations?

To better identify people

ビニェットの中ではUmemura SeijiがSo that they could know who was from where and spot the outsiders and ninja.と言っている。

Steve and Seiji think accents are ___.


アクセントに関してSteve LyonsとUmemura Seijiはcharmingとかcoolという単語を使っている。
