Going Over MyselfGoing Over Myself / Orin Zebest

Unit 7 - Could you go over the last part again?

 It might take some courage to interrupt and ask for clarification. But remember, If you don't understand, you won't be able to contribute. Keep listening and we'll show you a polite way to get clarification.

NHK CD ラジオ 入門ビジネス英語 2013年4月号   


■□■□ 今日のフレーズ □■□■
Could you go over the last part again?

go overは「再度行う、繰り返す」という意味。Could you repeat what you said?(もう一度繰り返していただけますか?)と言ってしまうと同じ言葉を繰り返されてしまうだけ。英語が聞き取れなかったのではなく、そもそも言葉そのものがわからない時にはrepeatではなくgo over againなどと表現を変えることで、相手は同じことを違う表現で説明してくれる可能性が高まる。

One way I like to say this with more precision is, "Could you go over the last part about the July plan again?" It saves me from being asked which part I need reviewed.

To effectively deliver a message, one must begin and end a presentation with the main points. Often, there is way too much content to remember everything. So going over the main talking points can help the audience stay involved. Regarding public speaking, my high school speech teacher said, "Start by telling the audience what you are going to tell them. Then, tell them. Finally, tell them what you told them"  
